It must have been my hunger for new websites that led me on to Sézane, an originally French online shop, which offers some beautiful pieces I’m now seriously craving for. As soon as I entered their E-shop, I got that lucky...
Monthly Archives: May 2013
Red runners

Sometimes, the best thing to do is to go back to some of your timeless classic pieces in your wardrobe, put them together and mix a little twist in there. That’s what I did last weekend when I decided...
On my playlist: Waiting for summer!

We all do after that dreadful beginning of spring. Hunting for some nice tracks isn’t that hard these days; so many brilliant channels turn up or bigger, thus spreading their remixes within minutes.
Halfway through

I’m halfway through hell aka. final deadline time and it seems like this has completely taken over my life for the past week (it should have maybe done earlier!). That also explains why nothing really happened over here and...