Monthly Archives: May 2014


(A delayed) Postcard from Barcelona


My postcard from South Africa took ages to reach the blog. It should have been different with a postcard from Barcelona, thinking about the fact that there’s not such a distance between this city and London. But no, not...


Blue Bow


Bows and me – a critical thing. I hate them and I love them. I find them childish, I find them cute. It’s a never-ending love-hate relationship that I have with bows of any kind and yet, quite recently,...


Touch of pink


As the weeks pass by, I realize how impatient I get. I just want to live a good life again, which, in my imagination, does not include writing who-the-hell-thought-of-these-questions-essays and unpublished nobody-will-ever-read-this-even-i-dont-care-articles for university (+ constantly panicking about everything...