Did I say that there’s a possibility for me to get a little calmer the upcoming weeks till Christmas? I must have been joking. Thanks to a very logical organisation, I’m asked to film a video the upcoming weeks...
Last weekend…
As I wrote in the previous post: “I escaped London pre-Christmas collapse” and spontaneously booked a flight back to Cologne. Although I missed Salzburg recently much more (don’t even know why), I was still looking forward to simply run/fly...
Dark Chocolate
There are days at which I feel to snuggle up in bed all day and do nothing but sleeping and watching the most inacceptable series. Last Sunday was definitely one of these days and although I had to finalize...
November/December: 4 Events to keep in mind!
It’s finally the time again to share some events you should better keep in mind (and attend ;)). From sample sales to exhibition kick-offs .. There’s something for everyone who’s in London during this time.