Whenever you think you’ve reached the maximum of happiness a day can give you, you will be surprised what the next one offers. At least this was yesterday’s case, when I was once again dancing around at Somerset House...
London Fashion Week, Day 2
Where to start with that day? First thing I need to say straight at the beginning of this post: This was one of the coolest days I had in a long time. It all started off in the morning...
London Fashion Week, Day 1
Not exactly London Fashion Week’s day 1 but actually my very first day spent at Somerset House during this amazing time in the city. So many different, inspiring and simply crazy people on a relative “small” spot (the whole...
>Golden ZigZag
> I think I’ve made my thoughts about Valentine’s Day and everything that comes with it pretty much clear in this post last year. And there’s actually no change about it so far as I’m still convinced that this day is...