> Due to some post-new-year’s-hangover, I decided to put up some pictures of my winterholidays here in Austria to get you a little impression of the wonderful place I’m still staying at. I hope you don’t mind my little...
>Salzburg yesterday
> After having had a stressful flight , I finally arrived in Salzburg. Being a little LOUD!-store victim (this store is situated at the Ehrenstrasse in Cologne), it was a kind of personal duty to me to wear this...
>Random Videos from London
>Here are some videos of the St Martins Lane to demonstrate its atmosphere at night. :)Make me immediately desiring to go back instead of sitting in Maastricht right now. All the videos are taken by myself.
>"London is a modern Babylon"
> If there is one place for me to be, then it’s definitely London. Therefore my parents proved once again that they are simply the best by presenting me a weekend in my favourite city in Europe together with...