> photocredit: http://www.vmagazine.com/ The latest release of V Magazine was more than confusing for me to decide whether I once again like it or not. This time uninteresting people like Britney Spears (could we please “hold it against” her and...
>200 readers. time to thank! :)
> I know that 200 readers may be ridiculous to some other bloggers and their 1000/2000/whatever something followers but all I can say is that I’m very happy to have such faithful followers who support each post with their...
Book Presentation of "Modestrecke" by Les Mads (Julia Knolle & Jessica Weiß)
> Having arrived in Berlin just yesterday, today was a bit packed. Therefore I’ll just let the pictures speak for themselves and move on with the reason I booked this flight : The book presentation of Julia Knolle’s and...
>(No) Need?
> picturecredit: topshop.co.uk When I remembered myself that I neglected my passion for Topshop for a while, my hunger to surf through the onlineshop needed to be fed. So what did I discover there in the jumper and t-shirt...