> If I wouldn’t know it better I’d say that those pictures were taken somewhere at the Caribbean (ignoring some details like those mountains in the background) but noo too bad all of this happened somewhere in Austria last...
>I’d choose to wear…
>…this…. picturecredit: polyvore.com composed by me myself and i oh yes …if I had all those lovely pieces hanging in my closet, but NO this horrible, unnecessary invention called POLYVORE made me style-hungry, so I wasted my time...
>Mother’s Day!
> Many European countries celebrate Mother’s Day today. To me a little senseless since it should be a natural thing to do something good to your mum (seriously!) but I guess my attitude is kind of the same I...
> Yes, It’s me. I’m finally writing again since I have been neglecting my beloved baby Pulcinella for a way too long time. Nevertheless, I kept on reading all the charming comments and mails readers and visitors sent me...