
picturecredit: polyvore.com composed by me myself and i oh yes
…if I had all those lovely pieces hanging in my closet, but NO this horrible, unnecessary invention called POLYVORE made me style-hungry, so I wasted my time for hours looking for all those things that result in an outfit (doesn’t make any sense at all but oh well). Something I noticed beside the facts that I have way too much time and a low budget? I will never ever be the next Rachel Zoe. And this marketing strategy is pretty awesome since it actually makes all the fashion/blogger/whatsoever – people consume even more (and let me tell you that I’m already a very serious, bad, aggressive kind of that consumer-kid-species). You just click on all those 10283646484903 pairs of shoes/dresses/bags/jewelries/CLOTHES and a link pops up which shows you where to online-shop your stuff. Evil. Very evil. And so tempting…
Another notable confession resulting from hunting at Polyvore? I’m currently craving for Camilla Skovgaard Heels (which is unusual because I used to hate Scandinavian fashion).
Shades – Tom Ford Black Nikita (even reduced to 215 Euros on mywardrobe.com *oh my god*)
Zebra Printed Ring – dorothyperkins.com
Heels – Camilla Skovgaard Black Hammer Studded Sandals (reduced on mywardrobe.com)
Chiffon Longsleeve – T by Alexander Wang (idontlikemondays.us)
Leather shorts – Mulberry (net-a-porter.com)
Sunhat – Melissa Odabash Jemima (<- who!?, on stylebop.com)
Leather Bracelet – Hermès (usa.hermes.com)
Enamel Bracelet – Hermès (& I still don’t have it arrrgh, on usa.hermes.com)
Bag – Balenciaga Velo Classic (on cultstatus.com.au)