> I guess this week was the last week of a warm London and guess what! I can’t wait for the cold season to start again (and for all the idiots complaining about the weather on Facebook). So this...
>Vogue Fashion’s Night Out Düsseldorf
> picturecredit: http://www.apropos-store.com/blog/ Last week was Vogue Fashion’s Night Out again and as I’m currently in Germany I couldn’t resist to at least have a short look on what VFNO in Düsseldorf offers. I’m honest: I’ve been not expecting a...
I just came back from one of the coolest trips I could have had this summer. And fell in love. With Ibiza. The facets, the weather, the vibe of the island and the right places with the right people...
>On a small, German island…
> …there’s plenty of time to take pictures and hang out in lovely cars. Especially when the weather’s actually not that good as you expected it to be. I so look like I’m ready for autumn. And I can’t...