There are once again loads of pictures… and I wasn’t even able (or willing?!) to put all of them online via Instagram; WHAT A SHAME! ;) That’s why it’s good to have this “Past Weeks” rubric, which allows me...
Monthly Archives: January 2013
Snow Deer: WIN this classy pullover!

Schnee, kalt & noch mehr Schnee – die Wintertage sind ganz offensichtlich noch lange nicht gezählt und so freut es mich umso mehr meinen Pullover von Blue Seven in einer extrem schneebdeckten Londoner Atmosphäre zeigen zu können. Als mich...
Preview: Cozy Pullover by Blue Seven

There’s nothing better than receiving some pretty pieces after an intense week. This cute and cozy pullover by Blue Seven is definitely needed when looking outside the window and on the weather forecast (showing me nothing but snow and...
Freezing Days

The explains the current mood in freezing London; I saw snow in this city for the first time in 3 years (although it didn’t really stay for longer than 8 am until the city became livelier again). Just before...