SoHo Although I’m currently in the city that never sleeps, my jetlag tired me such a lot that I couldn’t help it and therefore fell asleep the moment I got into my hotelroom. Therefore, my posts are a little...
>Hello New York City!
> It’s nearly midnight and although I have just slept for two hours in my seven-hours-flight I could not resist uploading all the pictures I shot so far. Not that much, I know, but still I wanted to...
>mixed pictures from london
> Back in Germany, I can just tell how much I already miss being in my second favourite city..! Here, especially in the Rhineland (Western Germany) you celebrate Carnival, which is the excuse for everyone to drink without any...
>quick london-update
> I’m in a huge hurry and just about to head to my dinner at Automat in Dover Street. The first picture you’re seeing is the sight I have from my room at the Brown’s Hotel (which is absolutely...