Spending the second weekend quite calm and mainly with one person was another great idea I had. Since the weather is a little undecided and changes from supercold to spring to windy to status “messing my hair up”, I...
Plum Valley
Again, I’m publishing pictures of a lost and found experience I had yesterday. I just reviewed everything from last month and what did I come across? These shots from Chinatown I’ve been carrying around for a while and never...
>Partly Home
> Taking a little time out was most probably the best idea I was encouraged to do last week. That’s why I left the city behind and flew over to Cologne. Meeting a friend who’s been away for half...
>Zhenya Zhuravlyova Illustrations
> ME by ZHENYA ZHURAVLYOVA :)) (all published pictures credited to Zhenya Zhuravlyova) I came across Zhenya’s wonderful blog, Newbloodstyle Haute Couture, approximately 2 years ago and the moment I realised that all these drawings are actually her own work,...