> A few weeks ago, my beloved friend Nikki turned 21. A special age for enjoying the US and an unexciting age for any other country? Not at all. As we found out that she is not familiar with...
Monthly Archives: February 2012
>Black & Yellow Black & Yellow Black & Yellow
> I can remember the first time I stumbled over polyvore.com. That page where you’re able to create your personal simple outfit constellations or moodboards (if you want to look like an absolute professional). Oh how I was excited about...
Casual Friday
It’s simply amazing what you find over a longer period of time of being back home. My Viktor & Rolf boots are not the only pair of shoes I recently discovered again. No, these high heeled bootees are another...
>Why do all good things come to an end? Arrivederci D&G!
> picturecredit: style.com Sadly but surely Dolce & Gabbana’s daughter line D&G comes to an end with their very last collection for the upcoming spring/summer hitting the stores. As the the last show in September ended, the designer duo...