


There’s an unwritten rule in my shoe closet, which made me end up with a rewarding pattern over time: I invest in classics, test out unusual trends for my taste with budget-conscious alternatives and only occasionally end up with risking an unnecessary impulse-purchase.

Simple in theory, much more challenging in reality. We all know too well when the racing heartbeat kicks in: who can actually resist a trendy pair you’ve seen everywhere or a sale-pop-up while browsing?

There are lots of quotes, theories and, yes let’s be honest, even TV shows about shoes out there (SATC stands for shoes as much as for sex) but the truth is that not all shoe trends will be worth the investment for one individually.
Trends will always question your taste and style, and whether to make the jump on a trend-wagon or stay on the ground and think twice after all.


And while the definition of one’s own style has always given me an unsettling feeling (can you ever clearly define someone’s style? Doesn’t it change over time? Doesn’t it depend on your life circumstances, too?), I  enjoy testing myself on some trends without breaking my imaginary limits.

To cut a long story about a recent shoe-robe addition short: although I consider biker boots as an essential pair of my fall/winter wardrobe, I never saw the point in investing here.

It may be because I haven’t found the perfect pair yet and because I still find them  tricky to wear to every occasion (I just can’t).

But when looking at those Givenchy darlings you see everywhere right now,  I was pretty sure from the first minute that they will never be too tempting to be worth the purchase for me. Yet, I admitted that they’re undoubtedly cool, edgy and that bit of rock-chic I just love (even though they’re far away from being classy).

Thank (the Highstreet) God(s), I found my alternative and I love wearing them ever since, even if they might be out of my interest next winter season – and if they are, there you go: no money lost, no investment made. :)


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About Author


With an Austrian and German background, Anna has lived in London for almost 7 years now. started as a personal fashion & lifestyle diary in 2009 and was re-launched in 2015 with a new design.

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