
It’s been a while

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It’s been 8 months. EIGHT freaking MONTHS.

And yet I am still alive and so is my baby. Hi & welcome back to freshly awoken La Pulcinella!

From sleeping beauty state of mind to fancy little face lift, the pulci-blog became up and running again just randomly before Christmas when I decided that it is about time to put my fingers on what I almost always enjoyed doing again – writing & photographing for a place that I call entirely my own.

Without really planning it, I would say that 2015 started just the way I wished it to be.

But what were these past eight months like? Intense but the best ones I can recall.

I didn’t make a secret out of the fact that graduating and especially working towards a successful university graduation is a fairytale walk. I guess I pretty much said so in every post from January to May last year.

But I made it without killing anyone on the way to do so! :)

A whole new part began to unfold with the end of my ridiculous student life and I couldn’t have seen it being so unexpectedly crazy and teaching at the same time.

After the last hand-in and the big graduation have faded, I didn’t feel like this blogging thing nourished me anymore and I, quite frankly, became tired of it. I felt discouraged and with several reasons, I decided to focus on a summer without pressuring myself to do something just half-heartedly on a blog, which lost its identity.

So it was all about celebrating a summer, which couldn’t have been better and which I not only owe to my  wisely chosen unwise decisions but also some amazing people around.

Istanbul, twice to Ibiza, a huge family party week in Mallorca, a spontaneous trip to Barcelona, countless times to Vienna, Salzburg and back to Cologne, over to Berlin, down to Munich – I used this time-out to take some steps back from everything, which made me feel unsatisfied and I gained so much (the awful happily-ever-after-sayings… how much I missed the being-a-blogger life).

Do you know these moments when you just quickly look back at some sequels of what happened during the past few months (thanks iPhoto) and you just feel like it’s been so crazy, stupid, outrageous, unexpected and at the same time the best moments that could have happened?

A lot of things have eventually fallen into the right place for me and I can, without feeling guilty for saying so at all, call myself very lucky. Even if lucky doesn’t always mean that it’s easy.

I mean hey, I even made it to the notorious Oktoberfest in September and October (yes, that really happened twice), which I was having on my agenda in forever before I was taking off to Londontown where I was facing a whole new situation. Gone was la dolce vita and dolce far niente and I found myself in a whole new set-up, that makes me walk an office right now. I would have not liked to miss out on this. And I’m (almost always apart from Monday misery) happy and grateful.

And I am even happier about being back to this place over here.
I won’t be posting daily – this whole London 2015 situation makes me do things, which don’t involve writing posts and taking pictures for a personal blog (ha, I WISH!) but I’m looking forward to do so from time to time and I hope you are still with me.

Feels good to be back! x

PS: A special thank you to Jojo, Marcus, Alex, the rest of BMAS for making blogging possible again  <3



A German thing to add/ der gute alte Nachtrag, den keiner erwartet hat:

Da schreibt man mehr als die Hälfte seines Hobby-Blogger Daseins auf Englisch und ignoriert die Tatsache, dass doch eine ziemlich eindeutig große Anzahl an Leseren aus dem deutschsprachigen Raum kommt.
Nicht dass mir das Anlass gegeben hätte auf einmal auch wieder auf deutsch zu schreiben (“Was sollen diese ‘Hier wird nur auf Deutsch geredet’ Blogs denn auch…”) aber irgendetwas in mir will wieder zurück – zum Schreiben in Deutsch.

Gewisse Situationen und Gedanken werden sich einfach nie so ausdrücken lassen wie ich es im Englischen mittlerweile formuliere aber genauso werden eben viele Gedanken nie so klar ausgedrückt werden können wie es in Deutsch für mich der Fall ist.

(Fast) kurz gesagt also: Ein paar Texte werden bestimmt bald nur mehr noch in Deutsch erscheinen. Nach Lust und Laune.

Keine nervigen wortwörtlichen Übersetzungen bei jedem Post, auch hoffentlich kein schrecklich allzu oft missbrauchtes Denglisch (und wenn doch, dann gewöhne ich mir das eben mit der Zeit (bitte möglichst schnell) ab und reduziere es auf das absolut Nötigste, denn es gibt nichts, das schlimmer ist als Leute, die ihrer Muttersprache nicht mehr mächtig sind weil sie “seit Jahren” in anderen Ländern leben).

Einfach mal nur probieren wie es so wäre – das habe ich mir vor allem gegen Ende dieses verrückten Jahres gedacht und auch im neuen Jahr nicht nur in diesem Fall hier ganz willkürlich befolgt. Bis jetzt fahre ich ganz gut mit dieser neuen Devise!

In diesem Sinne – ich bin gespannt ob ich dieses kleine Vorhaben wirklich durchziehe. Vielleicht bleibt das hier aber auch nur in der gleichen gedanklichen Abteilung im Kopf wie meine erste und wahrscheinlich auch vorerst letzte Spinning-Klasse letzte Woche – ganz weit weg.


Ibiza July & Ibiza September – time of my life.











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…until this summer, you amazing place.





How can one not adore my home town!




Back to London







Istanbul – still my favourite city!


And guess what kind of private appointment Istanbul meant for me … 4 hours, 25 minutes, 4 pieces. Fur & leather heaven.











At my grandmother’s – literally in the middle of nowhere in Upper Austria


Barcelona – against all odds I gave it a fairer try with a very special one





Café Kafka in Barcelona


…and Bar Lobo! The best two spots in town ;)



My beautiful little Salzburg


My standard Salzburg rituals…

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… just saying goodbye Salzburg and


… hi to Munich!


And finally… Oktoberfest 2014 – I made it!


About Author


With an Austrian and German background, Anna has lived in London for almost 7 years now. started as a personal fashion & lifestyle diary in 2009 and was re-launched in 2015 with a new design.

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