Do you know this feeling? Once you’re back home you decide to stay there for at least a week when inevitably your mother reminds you that you HAVE to pack as you’re leaving the other day again.
The past weeks were quite busy (if beautiful, too) and I’m definitely looking forward to hold my nonstop journey on for a while in Austria.
It’s the perfect moment for a small time-out that my mind needs.
Uni has been casually stressful (and yes, it was my first year and everything should be like American Pie but in real life it’s actually not…at least if you want to reach out to something) and although I received really good grades, which made me very happy, I didn’t really reflect on all the other things that I’ve done next to my student duties.
…To which all the exciting progress that happened to my blog count! Or other things that I’ve done next to blogging and studying.
But besides from this I promised myself some points and I hope to stick to them – one of them is definitely meeting three of my closest friends the upcoming weeks. I miss some of them heavily and I’m so looking forward to seeing them in a realistic time space soon again.
For this single day in Cologne, I chose an outfit, which just makes me feel comfortable. Striped shorts, beautiful coral coloured jacket I wore way too less the past months and reduced accessories.
That’s how I’d like to stay the whole rest of this summer (keeping my fingers crossed that weather conditions in Austria are much better than they were the past weeks).
Jacket: Zara
Top: Northland
Shorts: Kate Spade
Necklace: Bulgari
Bracelet: from a friend
Bag: Chanel
Shoes: Prego
(this camera needs a clear cleaning…. that black point keeps on getting on my nerves…)