Incontinence is a much bigger problem than we would most probably expect it to be.
But do we have to make it public? Other than serious sicknesses (let’s say AIDS), I doubt that we have to make aware of it. Let’s just put it into: Get help or help yourself with that.
However, beloved Harvey Nichols seems to have taken advantage of this recently.
For their latest sale ads they decided to force models into a not-peeing marathon for a few hours (because why would someone do that “voluntarily”? Regardless of the pay-check?!) and let them out the moment they approach HN doors.
“Try to contain your excitement” is the big slogan beneath the unmistakable logo and next to some trying-hard-to-look-confident models.
The idea might be funny to some extent. But are wet details going to replace distressed jeans, batiked looks, moonwashed detailing and other much recognizable patterns?
I heavily doubt it.
Looking at it from a much healthier perspective leaves me with the only thought of “that poor girl will have a bad bladder infection tomorrow” rather than “Awesome! Harvey Nichols makes us pee in public places! Maybe I find some sass&bide jeans -70% – I need to go there!”.
Effective PR, not so effective image making. No matter what those people in my favourite department store must have been thinking – this is somehow …rweediculous.
The only question remaining: Do we need to pee publicly because of a drastic loo-cut in Knightsbridge? Or is it “so good that we nearly peed our pants?”*
Have a nice weekend. And don’t get soppy.
*taken from Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman