
As Paris Fashionweek kicked off, McQueen, Balmain & Co. do not seem to be the only ones who’ve revealed their favour for animalprint/skins and studded stuff. Burberry Prorsum appears to me to be one of the remarkable labels mixing old-traditioned classic with the upcoming season’s details. Past meets future in a fresh, sometimes punky but always classic-kept way.
Where the beloved trenchcoat seems to be the base as an instrument of the past and tradition, Christopher Bailey interprets it in futuristic terms giving it leatherdetails, the aforementioned studs and broad belts in funky colours and outstanding animalskins like the one of a python.
Moreover he somehow shares the same thought as Decarnin for Balmain, who has already brought the astronautic leather-trousers back to the runway and therefore back to the upcoming summer season. I still can’t admit myself being a lover of this way too much futurism-trousers, but I guess that I can accept it as being an essential part of 2011’s summer.
Silk also plays a role and it seems like this drapery never goes out of a season to some extent. If nested, combined to hot beige-toned leather jackets (which really remind me of the classic Belstaff-jackets) or in quillings – I guess everything turns out to be fine with me.
Where contradictions personally appear to be not always that well solved, I have to admit that Christopher Bailey has met my taste and even broaden it by bringing me off from the sometimes way too classy thought of a trenchcoat and Burberry itself in general.