So here’s the annual visit to Pure, another well known fashion fair taking place around the time before the “real week” breaks out.
Located quite unfortunate at Kensington Olympia with bad connections at its best (TFL fail once again), I missed out on some presentations and just got to see the last bits of a show taking place when I arrived.
Frankly, I also have to admit that I don’t feel like I missed something majorly. It might sound stupid, yes, because “how can you say that if you haven’t seen EVERYthing”. But I just felt like this when going through the different stands and taking a “closer” look.
Maybe it’s because my very controlled hunger of fashion fairs was already fed at Scoop (which, I’m sorry Pure, just scores with the location and brands). But maybe it’s also because you realise how big this industry actually is and that this is just the very very very very very very tiny bit of what is out there.
It’s not arrogance but it’s that little “ok, thanks, next” feeling you get inside when going through all the different clothes and items.
The only thing I noticed was the fact that real fur gets its stage light again. Don’t ask why as I’ve always been a fur wearing person but it definitely seems as if it’s going big again.
Connected to this notice, I also came to the point that although fashion industry accepts and promotes the anti-fur trend, real fur will always be there. Maybe, I’m wrong and maybe I’ll regret writing this when in 5 years time everyone (not just a part) will be out and about on faux material but for now, that’s what I’ve been thinking.
So yes, here we go with this time’s Pure. The lack of pictures speaks for itself.. ;)