(picture credit: Vogue Magazine via Instagram)
Forget about Kimye, forget about Dunham – there’s only one “being” who really deserves that one and only cover: Grumpy Cat.
Spotting these pictures on Vogue Magazine’s Instagram account two days ago really made me forget all of my less positive thoughts on my number 1 magazine for this month again.
I haven’t turned into a crazy cat lady (just in case you might remember my announcement of letting you know what I’m currently up to and why I haven’t blogged that much for the past few weeks) but ever since spotting Grumpy Cat for the very first time, I told myself that there’s only one type of cat I’d consider to get in case I’ll end up unmarried, unloved and without any further friends.
I’m convinced that GC would make just as pretty poses as Choupette already did for Vogue Deutschland back in July 2013, in case Anna Wintour & Grace Coddington might consider their June/July/future cover star.
While I’ve been questioning half of this universe after seeing that a cat has made it on a Vogue cover (with Linda Evangelista, at least) back then, I now got to the point to share the my bare thoughts with you: There’s only one cat who will ever be able to pull off the right facial expression. And I’m afraid to say that Karl’s kitty is not the one.
The only questions remaining now (and they really do matter in this world): What does Grumpy Cat’s visit at the New York offices of Vogue mean? Can we expect a Coddington/Goodman-styled editorial in a cool setting (shot by Leibovitz)? Is there going to be an epic cover shoot? Will Grumpy be seeing the iconic desk for a (job) interview? Or will GC just be as #unimpressed as always?
All I know for sure is that it’s a feline life – the only good life I suppose!
Grace Coddington (GC) & Grumpy Cat (GC) – they share the same initials & my equal admiration! ;)