I’ve been dedicating a whole post to Anna Dello Russo’s eccentric and meanwhile fascinating style once. And I don’t regret it.
I still like the way she brings herself to life through her styling, the way she merchandises herself and the much controverse discussions, which result from the first two points.
And I find it good for her and her entourage (if not so crazily exciting) that she collaborates with the Swedish highstreet store.
Her style and way to present herself has always been a controversial topic – or has kicked off one.
While some say that it’s great how she ignores her age and demonstrates the fashionability of a real woman at any age, others might think that playing Madonna’s sister (right after the motto: Forever young) is definitely not adequate for her.
But this video is as unexpected as I expected it to be.
Reactions? Varied in 30 minutes.
From “Oh my God” to “No words for this” to “YOU need a fashion shower, woman” to “This can’t be taken seriously” to “Did a brainwash occupy you during the clip?” to “Need to see it again” to “Hm” to a final laugh out saying: “Okay AdR … fashion shower here, fashion shower there. You’re the queen of your own world“.
See the change? From Oh No through the fashion shower to Oh well.. .
At least I laughed. Thanks for this much entertaining if not helpful video! ;)
picture credit: Courtesy of H&M