…is the best one can have in order to get a rest from the big city life. Not that Cologne would be that small but compared to London … no, there’s just no comparison. Although I love the hectic life back here, I enjoyed some calm times at home with a cleaned up room, plenty of space, good, healthy (!) food and above all: my parents and friends.
Besides from treating myself with excellent meals and other things you just can feel and have at home, I also decided to do myself a favour and give my beloved Remy Hall coat a little break.
Therefore I pulled my newly bought between-seasons coat by D&G since it was not that cold and I thought it just perfectly contrasted the leather trousers by Ted Baker (which I just can’t put off at the moment) and my bikerboots by Zara. I really started loving it the moment I put it on at Rainbow store – so classy yet very young and elegant. I recognised that I have another piece of this collection by D&G just as a dress and with lace elements. I’m definitely going to wear this together one day.
…and just to underline my happiness… Collier de Chien finally arrived on my wrist. And I truly love it. Believe me. :)
Coat: D&G by Dolce & Gabbana
Trousers: Ted Baker
Shoes: Zara
Bracelet: Hermès
Trousers: Ted Baker
Shoes: Zara
Bracelet: Hermès