I’m no Istanbul insider, that’s for sure, but something I heard about over and over again is the absolutely stunning view you’re having at Mikla – “even if you’re just going there for drinks“, some told me. And how they were right! In fact, it was the best decision to celebrate my dad’s birthday at […]
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Merhaba from Istanbul!

A vibrant, colourful city on the edge of Europe and Asia, separated by the busy Bospherus, at which life seems to be truly happening from day to night. Filled by bright contrasts and the most hospitable people I came across in a long time … Yes, I am in Istanbul, Turkey’s often described cosmopolitan destination uniting tradition and history, […]
Istanbul Fashion Atelier
It has been a while since I visited Pure London (find posts about UK’s favourite fashion buying destination here and here) and I promised to share some photos the moment it gets a littler calmer. Well, it didn’t get calmer since then but at least I take some time now to talk about Istanbul Fashion Atelier. Consisting of 11 […]

With first approaches of spring & (do I dare to say so) summer on the way, I happen to find myself combing shops after shops for some appropriate summer gear. Next to the usual sunglasses-bikini-tunic hunt, I stumbled upon IVIE Jewelry a few weeks ago – freshly introduced by this month’s InStyle Türkiye issue.