
Electric Blue


The senses for one’s own style can change so immensely. That’s something I recently thought when I looked at my wardrobe and the looks I matched for work and leisure during the past couple of months.

When looking back at older pictures (that blog and mother Internet never forgets), I’m sometimes left amused by what I was cool with wearing without any kind of feeling insecure. Or weird. Or “not really myself”.

But this is how I must have rolled back then and I guess it’s ok to file some pieces and looks under “tried to find myself in that look … and eventually forgot about everything on my way to uni/brunch/Somerset House during fashion week”.

Looking at my wardrobe now and all the snaps taken over the past months, I realized the simplest things of all – something I’m sure I’ve read tons of times in women’s magazines and half-hearted quotes on social media before:

Developing and refining an own sense for personal style can boost one’s appearance with confidence immediately.

If you don’t feel good in something you wear, you will somehow communicate that to the outer world. If you feel positive about a look, you already won  an amount of self-esteem, which (to me) is everything you need to shine bright. Period. Very simple, yet more present in head than ever before.

Good example for this is that look I wore a few weeks ago when having some meetings with people I never met before – on an almost intriguingly summer-welcoming, usual Wednesday, without any second thoughts or any doubt that something might not be appropriate with my sartorial choices.

The faux leather biker trousers, the clean contrast with a white collar, the slightly oversized bag and some statement shoes matching the shades – signature-me (and only complemented by my customized cape I threw over later that day – it couldn’t have been more ATW at that point).


Even those who tell me that they don’t care about what they wear at all (something I filed as one of the most common lies I hear regularly) will somehow agree deep down their hearts if they think twice – after all… you are what (and how) you wear (it).

White collar shirt: COS, Pullover: Benetton, Faux Leather Biker Trousers: Zara, Sunglasses: Spektre, Bag: Prada, Shoes: Tods Gommino Loafers










About Author


With an Austrian and German background, Anna has lived in London for almost 7 years now. started as a personal fashion & lifestyle diary in 2009 and was re-launched in 2015 with a new design.

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