ATWearsLondonNight Out

>Why so serious, London Halloween?


As I already wrote in my last post – Halloween in London is just simply insane. You suppose not everyone to be that party-encouraged when it’s actually Monday but as we stood in front of Cirque Du Soir … this tourned out to be a complete naive thought. It seems as if half of this city was trying to get into that club and I’m still impressed how my whole outfit has survived that hell of dodging, pushing and just being in the middle of hundreds of people (those 4 pounds vampire teeth were a good investment).
Next time, I stay at home rather than bitching at other people and pushing myself near to the entry of Cirque.
How is it said? You learn from mistakes. Still the night was quite funny thanks to all of the people surrounding me. I guess you can even stand in the middle of nowhere (or a crowded club entry) and still have a good time.

About Author


With an Austrian and German background, Anna has lived in London for almost 7 years now. started as a personal fashion & lifestyle diary in 2009 and was re-launched in 2015 with a new design.

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