Quite strangely Patrick Mohr started his fashion show on Thursday as the last designer of the day. With a monotone music always repeating the slogan “I want more” that Mohr changed to “I want Mohr”, male as well as female models were literally sneaking down the runway. Strong statement-eyebrows and undone-styled hair were just two of the many interesting details Mohr added to his straight collection. Although asymmetry was mostly ruling the cuts of his pieces, everything seemed pretty much futuristic with a feature of layered chill-out looks and a well kept straightforwardness. Bizarre “shoe”-wear in form of latex like socks were adding an unexpected twist. So no wonder nearly half of the tent seemed to get excited as the last model walked down in something that looked like a heel but rather reminded me personally of the remnants of some sheet metal like stuff. It must have been a lovely joke for him but I’d rather keep it a little more realistic and leave this as the simple part of a designer’s “creativity” (whatsoever).
I personally would not like to “have Mohr” (more) of those pieces but oh well .. I think that’s how Berlin would like to see every Blogger attending the fashionweek. Mainly not dressing up but coming undone and totally, alternatively underdressed.
Go to hell with this attitude and have a nice Wednesday.
I personally would not like to “have Mohr” (more) of those pieces but oh well .. I think that’s how Berlin would like to see every Blogger attending the fashionweek. Mainly not dressing up but coming undone and totally, alternatively underdressed.
Go to hell with this attitude and have a nice Wednesday.