
picturecredit of original pictures: fashionising.com
When I got to see Wildfox White Label’s lookbook of this year’s fall/winter, I literally clicked myself in rage. Each new picture made me ask myself if they were kidding or triggered a feeling of pure revulsion.
I always predicted Wildfox to be one of those labels I love to look at (when it comes to lookbooks, editorials etc.) but never dare to purchase (please, there are …more exciting… things to invest in rather than shopping a shirt saying some nonsense like “wildfox no.9”).
Nevertheless, their lookbooks always happened to be exciting enough. Not this time. This time, Wildfox has created such a (excuse me) bullshit that it couldn’t even be covered with a pretty model, lovely make up and some ok-shirts. It seems as if they wanted to celebrate the 60s/70s again, which normally wouldn’t be that bad (although I confess that those atlernative-styled “fashion”people are pretty much pissing me off) but then look at the way they put their stuff in scene. Are you seriously supposed to spend some 100 dollars on an absolute bad manufactured pullover that got ripped off half the way it got shipped over to you and all you can find in your post-box is that floorcloth with a lousy sequins-mushroom & some “used” details!?
Also, I find nothing wrong with fringes and average peace-prints (so reminds me of my time when I was 16) but why producing in such an uncreative overload? Furthermore all of that mushroom, smiley, flowerpower-stuff reminds me more of Fiorucci, that Italian label I used to love in the age of 10, than of an established, independent and cool label.
Beside the fact that I was never (nor I doubt I will ever be) the type of girl that loves running around with something being badly produced to some “used”-look, I also confess that all of that overloaded hippie-chic was never my thing… at least not when something is more hippie than chic.
However, this is exactly what Wildfox was aiming for and therefore I decided to officially kick this brand out of my “nice to look at” list and wait until they start being creative again.
All you need is money & creativity.
Not love & peace.
(because they won’t prevent you from a cheap looking, boring lookbook).